Converting a Tesla to a Pickup Truck



The renowned inventor of useless robots [Simone Giertz] has outdone herself this time. She, along with a group of engineers comprising [Rich Rebuilds], [Laura Kampf], and [Marcos Ramirez], lately made a decision to convert a Tesla into a pickup truck, and earn a movie together the way, while salvaging what remains they can of the rear of the vehicle and producing the final product roadworthy. Yeah, this really is a couple weeks old now, and yeah, it’s kind of a firm, but really: [Simone Giertz] and Co. stone.

In her vlog of this adventure, the group starts by gutting from the inside of the car in order to learn the weight distribution and shape of the outer framework. Basically, in order to make the pickup truck, a portion of the rear of the vehicle has to be eliminated, with beams and support welded in determined by the consequent structural integrity. Using a sawzall and angle grinder, then the very upper section of the framework is cut and taken out, but not before a glimpse that is worrying brings that exterior support is needed by the car .

After all accessories, glass, wiring, and the cushions are eliminated, they install a truck bed to finish the appearance. Amidst the deconstruction and reconstruction, there are seconds once the car encounters a “Safety restraint system error ” or when the staff inadvertently lines the inside of the vehicle with fiberglass directly. Between the project’s time pressure and complaints of those various clip dimensions used, it s a humorous and informative look into a vehicle mod that is fairly distinctive.

The last commercial they made of the Tesla-pickup hybridvehicle, dubbed Truckla, is available on [Giertz]’s YouTube channel.

[Thanks to crener for your tip!]

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