I’ve posted my spirituality based website before, but it didn’t get much attention so here is another shot while people are quarantined. Its my contribution or ‘tribute to mankind’, but its obviously not even close to being finished so there is plenty more work to be done, that’s to be figured out.



DISCLAIMER: What I seek, is feedback, constructive criticism, along with some other remarks so I could understand different people's perspectives on what I have created/written/worked on. If I had been attempting to promote, this article wouldn't have taken me so damn long to write following my browser crashed half way through writing this article lol then needed to re-type everything argghhh…! Yeah if I had been promoting myself it’d be dry and to the point. That's , please read on!

EDIT: Questions start in 4b and 4a! Thanks~

I posted a long time back and I think it would be a fantastic time to share this site I made which is a collective of all the knowledge and research and expertise and wisdom gained in my life, then outputted at a hopefully deduced or simplified universal fashion as my goal to assist anyone and everyone who repeats it. Assist, facts, technique, knowledge, etc..


My aim is to provide recipes of self-growth for a catalyst for individuals ready to evolve or level up in life free of price or a sliding scale price starting at $0 because I am a strong feel that everyone ought to be helped or ought to be able to get such information regardless of who, what, and if they could afford a Gucci flip flop or not. So I do not make money off this website, its just present in hopes it has and that it helps others and im so thankful for that even though its only a few people. Not long ago, I shared with this website with some stranger ive been chatting with on Reddit. Figured nothing would come of it, but I ended up supporting the stranger out a good deal, ” he obviously revealed pure appreciation and ended up complimenting me a lot, and for that reason alone, I am glad I ended up making this site.


So I wrote about 4 frequent problems in life, I wish to write about 33-35 topics (got a list of subjects some place) but these are 4 large subjects and FEAR is one of the greatest posts ive written in my opinion as its the most thorough and very complete or past absolute lol.


I also included a listing of the codes of existence I try to live by everyday, mind you, im not perfect and collapse to make mistakes like anyone else does but there are codes on this list that I have been able to create my habit therefore its quite natural, however deprogramming is required! Uninstall the bloatware and install those drivers, quality and efficacy of life will grow high! I feel these are legislation which could be applied to anyone and everyone.


Lastly, I have a segment for discovering yourself a bit more or inspiring or motivating your internal self/essence. 1 manual is basic and simple to read, the second is more difficult and will require further research or help from someone to help interpret for you. I locate the Mayan data, calendar to be very accurate, and also patternistic in life. If you understand touch ' s relationship to a different signatures things make more sense. Activation portals are also another thing I do not understand. I cant understand it well enough to say much other than cosmic entities and flow during you or through you. Hence, you might inherit gifts, you might be a lot more sensitive to things. The routine of GAPs are intriguing as there are lots of renowned musicians who are GAP's (gap is short for galactic activation portal), like the beatles, neil young, ak the savior, riff raff, along with terrific minds like albert einstein, tesla, jobs, gates, etc.. It’ll say GAP underneath the touch if this day is a GAP day or if you had been born on a GAP day. I understand this doesnt make a great deal of sense so sorry I cant explain all of what I understand here but im pleased to attempt and answer anybody 's wonder about anything! 🙂


If you can please provide me feedback, real barbarous, feedback, which will be appreciated. Tell me whatever you want as long as you aren't trolling lol. If you are trolling just let me understand and say that you are:)

NOTE: This article is also not meant to function as some advertising, nor is it for other things besides showing you guys what I made and determine how I could make this project effective in helping individuals. So its difficult for me to do other things like business or sometimes even its hard to make things make sense, I am mostly a creator type of person but I tried to get it here in a way.


Tell me what you’d like, dislike, thoughts for advancement etc.. Anybody else is free to share this site with whomever and I appreciate anyone who has involved they believe could gain from it!

Thanks for taking the time to get acquainted with me a bit, and examine my works that are philanthropic / my side passion!! Eventually I wish to create t-shirt layouts that reveal the messages I have made or obtained from someone else (normally that someone else is a known spiritual teacher like Eckhart Tolle for instance)…

(well its own true passion and part of my design in character to perform work like this, however it doesn't get me money, therefore I must resort to freelancer design so I can manage to survive.)

Oh an everyone, I hope y'all have a terrific day now. Blessings and good energy, positive vibes, prosperity, health, and longevity <3

submitted by /u/boldbrand [Hyperlink ] [remarks ]

Article Source and Credit reddit.com https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/fpd2fm/ive_posted_my_spirituality_based_website_before/ Buy Tickets for every event – Sports, Concerts, Festivals and more buytickets.com

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