Companies spend big dollars to make us recall them. They put billboards along the streets, run advertisements during the Super Bowl, and have celebrities posting their goods on social networking. However, whatever message they’re trying to send, ultimately it is the relationship we have with them that matters.
A couple of days back, Reddit user NotANameReally submitted a question on the stage “If brands were brutally honest, what brand would have what slogan?” And people responded. By IKEA and YouTube to Nike and Google, no business was secure. Keep on scrolling and take a look at their poetic truth bombs. They’re grrrrrrreat!
#1 Internet Explorer
Image credits: belgarath1987
NotANameReally said the idea to ask this question wasn’t that spotaneous.” [I thought of it] sitting down, trying to come up with something to post that would make people think, enjoy reading, and replying to,” that the Reddit user informed Bored Panda.
According to them, the discussion that followed was a really fine one. “Every reply seemed very relatable to everyone, including me. My favorites were all the funny Comcast comments and the Taco Bell comment by Ferrrociousb. It said,”Taco Bell: you can make 32 different items with these 5 components, why mess with perfection?”
Image credits: thwgrandpigeon
#3 Friskies
Image credits: Possible-Drummer-225
Communications and Outreach Team Leader at Creatopy, Diana Bolboaca, likes to think of a brand like a person. So if its logo is like its face, a slogan is like its voice. It either catches your attention and speaks to you or you can’t really understand what it is blabbering about.
“You know just how important first impressions are,” Bolboaca wrote.” [But] not many of brands have catchy slogans, though, although a number of them make a fresh one for each major campaign. So no, acquiring a catchy tagline or slogan isn’t the cornerstone of success and… you don’t even should hit the nail right on the head that the first time.”
#4 Facebook
Image credits: Ace_Wiccan
#5 The Simpsons
Image credits: TricksterPriestJace
“But having a catchy slogan your sleeve is unquestionably a terrific way to cut corners when approaching your audience, along with a useful tool in your toolbox when it’s time to find creative,” Bolboaca clarified.
The ingenious said that slogans are supposed to convince and act as a shadow identity of a brand whilst promoting a particular product or service– even a really successful slogan is additionally a long-term commitment. A good slogan is memorable, optimistic, and sets its brand apart and highlights its benefits.
#6 Twitter
Image credits: Freshmasta85
#7 Trojan
Image credits: Bmkiesel
From a consumer point of view, NotANameReally thinks slogans need to be honest to let us understand exactly what the company is about instead of being obscure or straight up lying but being too open might bring hatred towards the company or a gigantic reduction of customers that they had to have before. So they need to get balanced.
#8 Nike
Image credits: EllvaStarsong
#9 Hot Pockets
Image credits: Efficient_Bank871
#10 Tesla
Image credits: hucksire
#11 Instant Ramen
Image credits: Bentzsco
#12 WebMD
Image credits: danngree
#13 Instagram
Image credits: They0848
#14 Q-Tips
Image credits: thoawaydatrash
#15 Gilette Woman
Image credits: cyberpunkfrog
#16 Ryanair
Image credits: PropellerHead15
#17 UPS
Image credits: Firthmaxia
#18 Starbucks
Image credits: Sadlycoris
#19 Reddit
Image credits: silentxxkilla
#20 Youtube
Image credits: Chris-1235
#21 Altoids
Image credits: CM_UW
#22 Target
Image credits: Kayyne
#23 Bing
Image credits: uvero
#24 Disney
Image credits: alpaca1yps
#25 Amazon
Image credits: Saybrooke
#26 Google
Image credits: theGuyInIT
#27 Applebee’s
Image credits: SSSS_car_go
#28 Walmart
Image credits: refreshing_username
#29 Wish
Image credits: pedro_mc
#30 Mountain Dew
Image credits: Nacho_Beardre
#31 Yellow Pages
Image credits: CM_UW
#32 Apple
Image credits: LATER4LUS
#33 Adblocker
Image credits: Harleye
#34 Gap Kids
Image credits: pighalf
#35 Drano
Image credits: IrishUpstart
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