Tag: away

  • Bill Gates accidentally makes the case to regulate the hell out of platform companies

    Bill Gates accidentally makes the case to regulate the hell out of platform companies



    There’s a great video of Bill Gates talking to some venture capital firm called Village Global today going around, in which Gates says that Microsoft losing cellphone into Android is ldquo his own & mistake ever. ” “So the mistake ever is anything mismanagement I participated in that triggered Microsoft not to be exactly what…

  • Tesla Model X “Melts Away” On Its Own

    Tesla Model X “Melts Away” On Its Own



    Yet another Tesla appears to get caught flame and”melted away” on its own, based on Belgian news website HLN. This time, it was a Model X owned by the wealthy Dutch businessmen Salar along with Sasan Azimi. The initial accounts, which appeared in the Belgian HLN, includes video that appears to show the interior dashboard of a…