Tag: classic hacks

  • See This Casio? Watch It Unlock My Tesla!

    See This Casio? Watch It Unlock My Tesla!



    The whole point of gaining the distant unlock ability for our cars was to prevent us from suffering the indignity of standing there in the rain, working a key into the lock while the groceries become soaked. [Mattia Dal Ben] reports that even Teslas get the blues and don’t unlock reliably all the time, in…

  • The Art of Vacuum Tube Fabrication

    The Art of Vacuum Tube Fabrication



    Vacuum tubes fueled a technological revolution. They made the amplification of signs that a reality for transatlantic phone cables (and transcontinental ones also ), they performed logic for ancient computers, and they delivered the warm fuzzy sound for high fidelity audio. However, they were labor intensive to produce, and fragile, therefore semiconductors came along and…

  • DIY Tuning Capacitors from Washers and 3D-Printed Parts

    DIY Tuning Capacitors from Washers and 3D-Printed Parts



    The inside of classic radios retains wonders that the chips that are sterile and SMD components of today’s circuits can’t hold a candle . Chunky resistors and capacitors, vacuum tubes together using cathodes aglow, and seemingly free-form loops of cable forming inductors will all likely make an appearance. However, the most fascinating bit of any…