Tag: climate

  • Earth Matters: Unmet emissions pledges imperil planet; many local eco-advocates elected on Tuesday

    Earth Matters: Unmet emissions pledges imperil planet; many local eco-advocates elected on Tuesday



    Back in 1972, the Club of Rome-commissioned “The Limits of Growth,” a report that argued the world’s economic system could not continue its current rate of growth because of resource constraints and environmental matters. The report presented various outcomes for what could happen when the growth of industrial civilization collided with finite resources. Without big changes of direction,…

  • Why we must think beyond GDP for sustainability

    Why we must think beyond GDP for sustainability



    Geoffrey M. Heal teaches at Columbia Business School. Speaking to Srijana Mitra Das, he discusses the clean energy transition, why environmental credits work — and sustainable businesses succeeding nancially:Q. Which industries will climate change most powerfully impact? A. It will impact the utility industry. The generation of electricity, one of the biggest sources of greenhouse…

  • Elon Musk’s Pointless, Subsidized Tunnels Head To Flood-Prone Florida

    Elon Musk’s Pointless, Subsidized Tunnels Head To Flood-Prone Florida



    If you hadn’t noticed by now — and if you’re part of his rabid fanbase you haven’t — there’s often a bit of a chasm between what Elon Musk promises and what usually gets delivered. For every notable innovation his companies deliver, there always seem to be a handful of other side products that promise…

  • Countdown to COP26: How 2021 is a ‘make or break’ year in the fight against climate change

    Countdown to COP26: How 2021 is a ‘make or break’ year in the fight against climate change



    The latest UN report has put the world on red alert, but the direction of travel is clear – Schroders’ CEO and specialists give their view on the role of investors in the energy transition This year will be “make or break” in the fight against climate change, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned.…

  • Larry Fink says accelerate. He needs to say it much louder

    Larry Fink says accelerate. He needs to say it much louder



    Larry Fink says accelerate. He needs to say it much louder Graham Sinclair Thu, 02/04/2021 – 00:01 Reprinted from GreenFin Weekly, a free weekly newsletter. Subscribe here. Larry Fink seems impatient. His 2021 letter to CEOs mentions “accelerate” eight times. He has rightly earned praise for speaking up on climate, investment and economic transition. The…

  • The potential for carbon-capture tech is captivating

    The potential for carbon-capture tech is captivating



    The potential for carbon-capture tech is captivating Heather Clancy Thu, 02/04/2021 – 01:30 This week, oil giant ExxonMobil pledged $3 billion to the development of a carbon capture and storage business over the next five years — in a bid to manage its business risks associated with climate change. CEO Darren Woods noted in the company’s…

  • Positive ‘tipping points’: How clean technologies could be on the cusp of exponential growth

    Positive ‘tipping points’: How clean technologies could be on the cusp of exponential growth



    UK academic study outlines a series of positive’tipping points’ in crucial sectors that, if attained, would catalyse the International net zero transition Positive”tipping points” in low carbon technology development may spark cascading changes that accelerate activity that slows global temperature increases, based on new academic research today which offers a welcome dose of urgency to…

  • These were 10 key sustainable transport trends of 2020

    These were 10 key sustainable transport trends of 2020



    All these were 10 Primary sustainable transport Tendencies of 2020 Katie Fehrenbacher Wed, 12/16/2020 – 01:00 Have you ever been more ready to get a year to be finished? Within a little over a couple of weeks, this skip fire of a year will be relegated to history. And as the entire world will be…

  • The California Air Quality Guru Who Taught Business to Love the Environment

    The California Air Quality Guru Who Taught Business to Love the Environment



    In 2011, Mary Nichols faced a dilemma. For the previous four years, she’d been working as head of the California Air Resources Board, essentially the state’s top air pollution cop, and she’d just had a big win. For decades, her state had had the strictest auto emissions controls in the country, which had helped reduce…

  • Global Briefing: French court orders government to justify failure to deliver bolder climate plan

    Global Briefing: French court orders government to justify failure to deliver bolder climate plan



    French legal rulings, Indonesian forest protection efforts, and plans to make Australia a renewables superpower, all feature in this week’s green business round-up from around the world Court gives French government three months to explain why climate plan is not in line with emissions goals France has this week become the latest country where climate…