Tag: cons

  • Alfred Jones Talks About the Challenges of Designing Fully Self-Driving Vehicles

    Alfred Jones Talks About the Challenges of Designing Fully Self-Driving Vehicles



    The leap to self-driving cars could be as game-changing as the one from horse power to engine power. If cars prove able to drive themselves better than humans do, the safety gains could be enormous: auto accidents were the #8 cause of death worldwide in 2016. And who doesn’t want to turn travel time into…

  • Hackaday Superconference: 3D Printing For Electronics

    Hackaday Superconference: 3D Printing For Electronics



    For her day job, Amie D Dansby functions as a software simulation developer, producing simulations for video games. In her free time, she’s implanting the secret to her Tesla within her arm, creating cordwood jewellery  and cosplay swords, also looking for other adventures in electronics and 3D printing. Amie has created a name for himself in…

  • The Art of Vacuum Tube Fabrication

    The Art of Vacuum Tube Fabrication



    Vacuum tubes fueled a technological revolution. They made the amplification of signs that a reality for transatlantic phone cables (and transcontinental ones also ), they performed logic for ancient computers, and they delivered the warm fuzzy sound for high fidelity audio. However, they were labor intensive to produce, and fragile, therefore semiconductors came along and…

  • Bill Gross On Why Your Startup Will Succeed

    Bill Gross On Why Your Startup Will Succeed



    Bill Gross is one of the terrific heros when it comes to tech incubators. Twenty five years ago, he founded Idealab, a company whose business plan is to create more companies. This started out with only a handful of organizations in 1996, and has since moved on to found 150 businesses, which have collectively increased…