Tag: degrees

  • Goodbye to the résumé – the system doesn’t work, Hiwook job portal CEO says

    Goodbye to the résumé – the system doesn’t work, Hiwook job portal CEO says



    This is an automated machine translation of an article published by Business Insider in a different language. Machine translations can generate errors or inaccuracies; we will continue the work to improve these translations. You can find the original version here. The job search is usually the same for most workers: the candidate sends the résumé,…

  • The Hummer EV, the Harley-Davidson E-Bike, and Higher Ed

    The Hummer EV, the Harley-Davidson E-Bike, and Higher Ed



    Blog: Learning Innovation October has been a big month for us electric mobility nerds. First came the Hummer EV reveal, and next came the announcement of a Harley-Davidson electric bike. What about this $112,595 1,000 horsepower electric vehicle, this still unknown price or specifications e-bike, has anything to do with colleges and universities? The answer to…