Tag: faster
12 Powerful Learning Strategies to Help You Retain Info Fast
Learning is the input for expansion. It is an essential feature of life. Then you want to put money into learning if you wish to experience growth in all aspects of your own lifetime. Learning takes some time, and time is a rare advantage. How do you maximize your time by retaining info and studying?…
Faster than a Tesla.. Formula E Racing
Take a Look at Formula E http://bit.ly/CaseyNeistatFE Buy Tickets for every event – Sports, Concerts, Festivals and more buy tickets
UVA Professor Describes A Seventh Sense – WVTF
Sandy Hausman writes there may be a seventh sense, but it’s not for sensing the future. Rather it’s how bodies can sense disease within their bodies according to UVA’s Dr. Jonathan Kipnis. The concept’s only becoming mainstream, since back in ’84 there was this story of Ghostly Voices Telling A Woman Of Brain Cancer. Other…