Tag: major

  • Why is Tesla Making a Human Robot?

    Why is Tesla Making a Human Robot?

    Elon Musk announced that Tesla is developing a humanoid robot prototype called the “Tesla Bot”. Today we talk about why Tesla is making a human-robot and what this means for the company! #Tesla #Teslarobot #business Connect With Me Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisHarounVenturesCompleteBusinessEducation?sub_confirmation=1 Website: https://harouneducationventures.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisharoun/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HarounEducationVentures Fast Track your business education…

  • You Hold The Key to Success…

    You Hold The Key to Success…

    We can learn some very important lessons from people like Elon Musk, Albert Einstein, and Steve Jobs. We all hold the key to success. We just have to apply ourselves and use it. #success #business #motivation Connect With Me Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisHarounVenturesCompleteBusinessEducation?sub_confirmation=1 Website: https://harouneducationventures.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisharoun/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HarounEducationVentures Fast Track your business…

  • Look inside the ‘Tesla of eco-villages’ that’s aiming to meet the rising demand for sustainable living outside of dense major cities during the coronavirus pandemic

    Look inside the ‘Tesla of eco-villages’ that’s aiming to meet the rising demand for sustainable living outside of dense major cities during the coronavirus pandemic



    ReGen Villages Holding ReGen Villages is a startup striving to build self-sufficient communities across the globe. The company has yet to develop, but its founder says the concept is perfectly poised to thrive following the coronavirus pandemic. The communities could be built in more rural parts of the world, establishing attractive living situations outside of…

  • Passover foods are being sold for for 5 times the retail price as online sellers try to profit off of coronavirus shortages

    Passover foods are being sold for for 5 times the retail price as online sellers try to profit off of coronavirus shortages



    Screenshot/eBay/Manischewitz/Business Insider Since the Jewish holiday of Passover starts this week, shoppers have reported countless things in grocery stores and on the internet.  Business Insider discovered by online retailers on Passover foods like matzah and Kosher for Passover cakes.  Price-gouging has become more frequent throughout the coronavirus outbreak, that has infected 1.4 million people killed…

  • Bitcoin [BTC]: Abra launches feature enabling investment in stocks and ETFs using crypto

    Bitcoin [BTC]: Abra launches feature enabling investment in stocks and ETFs using crypto



    In the wake of the bull run led by Bitcoin [BTC], the planet ’s biggest cryptocurrency received another major reform at media time. According to an announcement by Abra, a worldwide investment app, it’s set to launch a brand new feature in their app, one that enables people outside the United States to create money…