Tag: marketing
How to Go Viral & the Science of Virality – Marketing Lessons from Internet Cats & Memes
We marketers would like to believe we dominate the web, but we secretly admit to ourselves that cats and memes are the true rulers. It can be frustrating to pour hours of work and money into content, only to watch the next Evil Kermit or Sponge Bob meme pull more traffic. Is there a way…
People Are Sharing What Famous Brands’ Slogans Should Be If They Were Honest (35 Pics)
Companies spend big dollars to make us recall them. They put billboards along the streets, run advertisements during the Super Bowl, and have celebrities posting their goods on social networking. However, whatever message they’re trying to send, ultimately it is the relationship we have with them that matters. A couple of days back, Reddit user…
Why Presentation Skills Are Important in Marketing
What does it take to be a successful marketer? Turns out we don’t have to guess because someone’s already done the research. Fractl used IBM’s Watson Personality Insights API from 2019 to pick out the key traits and characteristics of 20 of the world’s most prominent marketing leaders (I even made the list!). According to…
Tesla’s decision to scrap its PR department could create a PR nightmare
Ayelet Noff Contributor Share on Twitter Ayelet Noff is the creator and CEO of both SlicedBrand, a top global PR agency headquartered at Berlin. A strong public relations team solves many issues within a firm. It helps spread important news announcements and issues integral to a company’s success. It communicates with the press in a…
The 10 Best Famous Storytellers and How to Become One
Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of conveying our history. Since the beginning of time, we really haven’t changed much. From cutting-edge CEOs like Richard Branson, who gathers his team around a fire to swap stories, to motivational speaker Tony Robbins, whose stories have inspired thousands to become their best selves – throughout history,…
The ultimate guide to transparency in display advertising
The topic of transparency in screen advertising is a subject that’s been notable. Not restricted to the realms of screen, it’s dominated the headlines nearly always since 2017. However, what does transparency in screen advertising mean? Where does this come from? How do you mend it? And how can be saved money by greater transparency…
The Experience Disrupters
Picture courtesy of Michael Austin/theispot. com Allow me to tell you. My dog Romeo and I come from the Cambridge, Massachusetts, offices of HubSpot, at which I’m CEO, simply choosing a Lyft. We perform with our band on Spotify. Cranking the audio, we boogie around to the puppy area, clean out some of Romeo’s toys,…
The One Thing Every Marketer Should Do
Marketers have a tendency to be somewhat reactive. And it makes sense as each time a research engine or even a social network affects their algorithm we leap as entrepreneurs. We’re conditioned to be somewhat reactive. Whether it’s ’s your boss who is pissed your traffic dips or perhaps yourself… everybody hates when earnings and…