Tag: space secrets

  • Italian Inventor Believes Crop Circles Are Models For Generating Free Energy

    Italian Inventor Believes Crop Circles Are Models For Generating Free Energy



    Crop circles, elaborate patterns found in farmer’s fields, continue to fascinate people worldwide. Although some have been elaborate hoaxes, others remain a mystery, tangible and real yet unexplained. In 1991, a book titled, “Crop Circles: Harbingers of World Change” by Alick Bartholomew was published. It explored the idea that some crop circles could be messages…

  • Secret Space Program Whistleblower Claims Humans Are On Mars Since The 70s

    Secret Space Program Whistleblower Claims Humans Are On Mars Since The 70s



    A secret space program whistleblower claims Humans have been traveling to Mars for decades. Interestingly, many former NASA employees and military officials have come forward speaking about the existence of a Secretive Space Program and technology that goes far beyond what society knows. “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own…

  • Mysterious object flew past the ISS: is the Black Knight activated?

    Mysterious object flew past the ISS: is the Black Knight activated?



    An unidentified flying object, that, seemingly, is in near-earth orbit, seriously stressed ufologists and other researchers. Some believed the ISS camera captured the infamous Black Knight, reports Daily Star. A video posted in the YouTube station Doco Mister on November 14 reveals two UFOs moving at high speed past the International Space Station (ISS). A…