Tag: spirituality
Do crystals give healing powers.
Nikola Tesla says, “In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principal, and though we can not understand the life of a Crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.” They say if you treat crystals well they will send you things like a storage device more efficiently. By cleansing…
Deconstructing the Matrix: The 12 Universal Laws
Welcome to Part 1 of “Deconstructing the Matrix”. The 12 Universal Laws In the event you missed the introduction into the show, it could be worthwile to click my Reddit Profile to quickly read by it, as we will be moving forward with the concepts of Universal Oneness and Reincarnation in the remaining episodes. Which…
Life is a mirror.
I understand people typically say quotes such as life is a mirror but may never see how it translates into reality until recently. I'm typically good at noticing patterns in life – meaning how specific emotions/thoughts/states of extraterrestrial beings result in particular activities or outcomes. As of lately, I picked up the way the outer…
The Great Awakening
What an amazing time to be alive! Yes, I really mean it. You might think I’m out of my mind, calling a global pandemic an amazing time, but bear with me while I try to explain what’s good about the current world situation. It might be hard to see the silver lining right now amongst…
I’ve posted my spirituality based website before, but it didn’t get much attention so here is another shot while people are quarantined. Its my contribution or ‘tribute to mankind’, but its obviously not even close to being finished so there is plenty more work to be done, that’s to be figured out.
DISCLAIMER: What I seek, is feedback, constructive criticism, along with some other remarks so I could understand different people's perspectives on what I have created/written/worked on. If I had been attempting to promote, this article wouldn't have taken me so damn long to write following my browser crashed half way through writing this article lol…
In one its ray is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in what great light source we see as the sun
By Alessandro Carosi Those are extracts from an interview to Nikola Tesla, a scientist that might have worked for the benefit of humanity but forgotten or maybe hided from history books for his willingness to deliver free energy to all the people in this country that we call the planet earth, I agree on the…
‘I AM’ Teaching Esoteric Knowledge, Sharing Spiritual Wisdom, and Guiding all to Personal & Collective Ascension
Hi everyone, my name is Jan (John in English, meaning”Lord has shown Grace/Lord is Gracious), and I will try to keep this first post as short as possible, following posts may be more elaborate to give you more value, which is my only intent, to give as much of spiritual treasures (knowledge & wisdom) to…
Some things that helped me find peace of mind in a Western World
I was always somewhat spiritual, though I never truly dove into it until the last couple of years. I always had feelings or urges to do something more. When I followed my instinct, I understood things worked out for the best. I would say I lived my life quite unconventionally. What was “ordinary ” always…
Electricity has destroyed the organic continuity of background. Because electricity fills humans using a charge which alters energy system. At the very low electricity level we find our magnetic body which runs on fine and organically programmed energy. Our energy is hardly detectable by contemporary digital device standards. It provides just enough movement to the…