Tag: storage

  • Salt River Project connects 25 MW energy storage facility to Arizona grid

    Salt River Project connects 25 MW energy storage facility to Arizona grid



    Arizona-based municipal utility Salt River Project connected its largest battery storage facility into the grid this month. SRP has placed the 25-MW energy storage facility into service at its Bolster Substation, which is adjacent to the gas-fired Agua Fria Generating Station. The fully charged battery site can power about 5,600 homes for close to four…

  • Big money flows into long-duration energy storage

    Big money flows into long-duration energy storage



    Could the Holy Grail of a zero emission grid finally be within reach? Long-duration energy storage – defined as a system that can store energy for more than 10 hours – is often called the Holy Grail of clean energy. It is the linchpin technology that will allow the economy to truly run off intermittent…

  • The second wave of renewables is here. What did we learn with the first?

    The second wave of renewables is here. What did we learn with the first?



    Billions of dollars of investment flowing into renewable energy. A President pushing for solutions to combat climate change. Innovative technologies challenging the status quo. This is all very current, but it’s also exactly what happened in the first wave of renewables during the Obama administrations. For companies seeking success today in what’s shaping up to…

  • Battery installations in Australia up 20%, here’s why

    Battery installations in Australia up 20%, here’s why



    Last year the number of residential battery systems installed in Australia increased by 20%. The 31,000 battery systems that were installed is a remarkable number, considering Australia entered a recession in September last year for the first time in almost 30 years. This article considers some of the key drivers behind the growing market adoption…

  • Meet 100% clean energy expert and Stanford Professor Mark Z. Jacobson

    Meet 100% clean energy expert and Stanford Professor Mark Z. Jacobson



    Mark Z. Jacobson is not only a clean, renewable energy expert, but he’s an athlete, an author, a globally recognized speaker and a legendary & beloved atmospheric science professor and climate leader at Stanford University. He’s also the author of a complete guide to renewable energy: “100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything,” which I…

  • A decidedly impartial review of Mark Jacobson’s 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything

    A decidedly impartial review of Mark Jacobson’s 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything



    Happy Earth Day 2021! When you’ve followed the evolving research of a leading clean energy expert and become a supporter of his vision for a global clean energy transition, it should come as no surprise that I was eager to crack open Mark Jacobson’s 2021 book release, 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything.…

  • Customers are driving the push towards renewables and digitalization

    Customers are driving the push towards renewables and digitalization



    Renewable energy is moving into a new stage in its evolution. Renewables account for more than two thirds of new generating capacity additions in the U.S. This means that renewable energy is claiming an increasing share of the national generation mix. EIA estimates that wind power accounted for 9% of U.S. electricity generation in 2020.,…

  • From the CEO’s Desk Newsletter

    From the CEO’s Desk Newsletter



    By Ben Paulos Resilient home California is suffering its worst fire season ever, with over 4 million acres burned this year alone. In EBCE’s service area, PG&E is continuing to implement Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events, proactively shutting off power to thousands of customers to prevent accidental wildfires. While power shutoff events may reduce…

  • Is Your Enterprise Ready for a Container Strategy?

    Is Your Enterprise Ready for a Container Strategy?



    Containers are inextricably linked to all things cloud—and enterprises are taking note. Container strategies are proliferating in classic IT scenarios, but it’s not plug-and-play. It’s incredibly complex to do at scale, and many organizations have some catching up to do. Containers and microservice-based architectures are key threads in the fabric of next-gen tools and technologies…

  • First community solar-storage project completed in New York

    First community solar-storage project completed in New York



    New York’s community solar-storage setup is a venture involving approximately 150 households. The neighborhood project is comprised of 557kW of rooftop solar paired together with 490kW four-hour Tesla Powerpack ion battery storage. It’s anticipated to give the participants with roughly 10 percent savings in their monthly electricity bills over 25 decades, as well as provide…