Tag: mentalhealth

  • Please help me, I think I’m going insane and I have no idea what to do.

    Please help me, I think I’m going insane and I have no idea what to do.



    I began reading tons of bullshit on the internet about there not being free will. I started making a connection with neuroscience to my behaviorism and began to see that a lot of what I do is driven by autopilot. I began to question very deeply whether or not I was the actual creator of…

  • It feels like my parents are slowing me down.

    It feels like my parents are slowing me down.



    I'm also a 16 year-old asian dude. For almost all of my life, my parents forced me to do things that they thought could be advantageous to me personally. U/circIejerking, play with the piano. U/circIejerking, why’s your english mark really low. U/circIejerking, stop wasting time and get your math homework done. Don't get me wrong,…

  • My year in psychosis: age 31 (a long read)

    My year in psychosis: age 31 (a long read)



    Some time around this time last year I posted in r/datingoverthirty a sort of recounting of my year, and how dating had gone for me. A lot of people were pretty kind about it, and some people weren't so much, but I loved writing it. This year has been totally different for everyone, and actually,…